Indian Railways

The indian railways department is one that continues to flourish. This is because more and more people, whether locals or tourists from the world over, prefer using trains when moving aound. One main reason why people choose trains is that they are cheap, which sac=ves you money in turn. Below, we answer a few indian railways common questions.

Indian Railways FAQ

Why Book Train Tickets Online?

Technology has improved a lot and as a result, travellers are able to book a train online. You will be bale to book a train from anywhere in the world using your PC or mobile device. All you will hav eto do is find a reliable booking site. There, you will be required to choose the dates you wish to travel, as well as state where you will board from, as well as your destination. The great thing about booking train tickets online is that you may comeacross some discounts. A lot of booking sites offer some discounts and promotion sregularly so you might want to take adavantage of that. In addition, you will always find updated information about all of the trains, th eseats that are available, as well as the classes that you can book. All of thi sinformation is updated in real time.

What is the process for booking online train tickets?

In order to book a train ticket, first of all visit a booking site of your choice. The process of booking may differ a bit but generally, you will be required to enter the nam eof the city, as well as the name of the station or code that you want to depart from. You will also need to enter the sam einformation for your dezstination. Next, you will be able to choose from the different tarins that wil be available. In fact, you can even choose the class that you want. You will then have to make yoru payment using a number of payment methods that are available to you. Normally, you will have to verify your personal information.

The maximum number of people can book on a single train ticket booking.

You can book for a maximum number of 6 people in one IRCTC ticket booking. All you will be required to do is enter the names of the other passengers, as well as their ages. Also, you must state where they will depart from and where they will be going. Depending on the booking site that you choose to use, you will be able to enter those passengers’ meal options.

How can I cancel my rail tickets?

The process of caneling your rail ticket will differ from site to site. Other booking sites have mobile apps where you will be bale to easily do this, while with others, you will have to do so on their websites. You will nee to go to your account and find the booking details. As soon as you are there, you can navigate to the section where you can cancel your ticket. You will be allowed, also, to reschedule or get a refund altogether, although a service fee might be charged for refunds.

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